I’m a quirky little teapot…
I love my tea. Especially during the Winter months, I become a real little teapot! I don’t really use a teapot myself, but I follow this quirky author E.V.Mason and she challenged me one day to find her a quirky teapot, in particular one that was associated with writing or books. I did find some, and I was so amazed by the quirky teapots available that I had to expand my search. These teapots are amazing! They blow me away…and I never thought I’d say that about a teapot!! I have included a variety of one-cup and full size teapots for the purpose of variety.
This piano teapot is my favourite, no surprises there really, you all know by now that music is a passion of mine. But I love the shape of it, the elegance, a talking point without being too silly or novelty. I think it is a classy teapot that has a hint of nostalgia. Anyone fancy a sing-song around a cuppa?!

Here’s one for the arty type. Isn’t it lovely? so detailed, just can’t believe how they’ve managed to make an easel work as a teapot! It has a comforting, cosy prettiness to it. The colours are warm, but click through and there’s a blue version too. This is a one-cup teapot, perfect for a lonesome artist sat in the studio. Tea and creative inspiration go hand in hand surely!

I am not sure why I wanted to include this next teapot, but there’s always room for a little toilet humour yes?! I do like the vintage look of it, it is more in-keeping with a vintage-style teapot than most of the others I found to be honest. It has the white with blue flowers detailing that oozes class and sophistication, but it is still a toilet! According to the seller, this teapot was bought by Harry Styles and Nick Grimshaw, so it definitely has celebrity appeal. Fabulous talking piece, and it would be funny to have a tea party with friends, pouring them tea from a toilet!

This last year has definitely been a year to recognise local and underappreciated heroes who walk among us, people like our nurses, working day and night to keep us safe. So I felt she deserved a place on this post. She has vintage vibes, but her profession has never been as on trend as it is right now. She would make a fabulous addition to a nurse’s tea break room don’t you think? That’s if they get a chance to have a break of course!

This is one of the ‘booky’ teapots I found for our quirky author! I have a soft spot for this one…it’s what I can imagine a tea break looks like in an author’s study. A posh little teacup upon a pile of leather-bound books! It’s whimsical yet classy. The shape is very teapoty, so there’s no mystery in it’s purpose, lends itself perfectly to it’s use fair play!

Oh this is such a fun teapot, I love it. It’s funky but retro. It would fit so well on the table at tea time. I can just picture it, blending into the afternoon tea as if it’s part of it. Novelty, yes, but so classy in it’s design. Strawberry is the best jam flavour too in my opinion…mmm this makes me want jam on toast!

This little one-cup canal boat is literally perfect for a cuppa on a canal boat. What better way to enjoy a cup of tea, brewed lovingly in it’s own boat, than to sip it on a peaceful ride along the canal waterways. On a sunny, fresh day like it is today as I am writing this, I can just about imagine this.

And from the fresh canal waters, it’s an easy leap to the fresh sea air surrounding a lighthouse. Another one-cup, and boy oh boy doesn’t it look perfect as a teapot? This is the type of teapot I can imagine one buying for a Dad or Grandad, you often see lighthouses on Father’s Day cards so maybe that’s why I had that thought process! Anyway, I adore it, it is a fun and funky little teapot!

A good size teapot, fit for a literature-loving family, especially if they are Jane Austen fans! This is another option for my quirky author friend. It does look fabulous, and would be such a classy teapot to use with pride if you held a book club at your house! Gorgeous design. This seller has a few teapots that are similar to this one but as one-cup sizes or different authors as the theme. Worth having a look to see which other books they have on their teapots!

This breakfast table teapot is up there as one of my favourites too. I love the funky colours, the cute little details. It is so sweet and such a perfect little set-up for a quirky teapot. Adorable, I love it.

If you are a budding baker or cake maker, this might be the perfect teapot for you. It is quirky, topical to your hobby / business, and it’s so classy. I love this colour blue on it. A fun talking piece, definitely unique. And perfect to pour that cup of tea to go with a piece of cake at tea time!

A wise old owl should always be invited for tea. This is a fancy-looking one too, perfect shape for a teapot. It looks like it’s wearing a graduation cap and gown! It’s very smart and would make a fabulous gift for retirement out of education or indeed as a graduation gift. I think it’s a bit of a hoot…yes, I did just type that, ah well, it does have a classy kind of ‘fun’ element to it!

Another quirky favourite here. My background in media will always make me drawn to quirky film and tv products. It might be the coolest, most hip teapot, despite it’s retro vibes, I think it could find itself well in the company of young media types to be honest. I would have picked this one! Roll, camera, action…tea anyone?!!!

This is a fun little one-cup teapot. A must, well ‘must’ is an extreme word, but it would be a delight for any train or steam locomotive enthusiast! Clever how they’ve designed the steam to form the handles, not an obvious choice so hats off to whoever thought of that. Imagine a little Thomas the Tank engine fan coming around for a cup of tea and you pour it from this…a cute thought!

This is quite possibly the most unusual design for a teapot. Gardening and tea 100% goes hand in hand, so this gardener’s chair is just perfect for a tea-drinking gardener. The clever little details, the colours, it really is something. I can definitely see it sitting there with pride of place on the dining table.

I know a few of my quirky friends will go gaga over this sewing machine teapot. I know quite a few people who sew for fun and for a living, this teapot was made for them! Stunningly designed, and looks so elegant. Can’t help but like it a lot…it almost sings to me 😉

Stepping back in time for this 60s record player teapot. Oh we do love a bit of quirky retro don’t we?! This oozes hipster vibes, the new trend of collecting vinyl is taking the world by storm, why not sit back on your hipster vintage rocking chair, put on some records and know that you have a full pot of tea right next to you to help you find your zen! You do not need to be a hipster to enjoy this teapot, of course, these are just my random ramblings! I love the colour of this, such a pretty blue.

This is a teapot for a quirky shopper don’t you think? Or any shopper saying that…full of luxury items, this looks very swish. As much as I love my funky, bright colours, the black and gold works a treat on this, looks very classy, sophisticated and elegant. Quirky at it’s finest!

This is a very unusual teapot, quite a price-tag for a one-cup but it’s supposedly rare, and rarity comes at a price. It’s called the hiker’s rest and it is the perfect name for it. I can imagine views of lake-filled valleys and rolling hills when I look at this. Very quirky, love the stone-wall effect. Sweet little picnic set-up on top too, it’s these little details that gives it character and appeal.

My five-year old boy pointed this one out as one of his favourites (not surprising, he loves his teddies!) this and the piano! But this is a cutie. It doesn’t specify size so I’m not sure if it’s a full size or a one-cup, the price isn’t giving me many clues either…so always best to check with the seller prior to purchase! This would be a lovely teapot to have around for when the grandchildren come for tea, or indeed as a family teapot (size dependent!).

Well, I have never used a clothes mangle, but this looks cool. Those who love vintage and oldy worldy vibes in their home will appreciate this one. Vintage Paul Cardew, fully stamped and from the 1950s…might be more of a display piece than a practical teapot, but I guess that’s up to whoever buys it!

This is a fun one, novelty design but stunningly achieved. The funky multi-coloured polka-dots add to the fun, and it just screams breakfast table to me. It even has the soldier dipping into the runny egg, it’s fab! It’s a full size teapot so it must be a huge egg…I’d be so intrigued to see what this one looks like in real life! If any of you do order it, please please please send me a pic of it next to something normal so I can see the scale!

This is another old one, saying that, it’s from the 1980s…I was born in the 1980s hmmmm! Ok, this open cooker range teapot is in the prime of it’s life 😉 Another ‘rare’ one hence the price-tag, I think it’s the most expensive teapot I’ve featured in this post! It makes me think of old farmhouses with their big kitchens and cozy aga’s warming up the stone-built home.

I have already shown this to my quirky author friend, so thought this was an apt one to end with. It is fabulous, quirky, retro and classy. I used to type on a typewriter, and looking at this takes me back to those satisfying days of seeing ink form a letter on the page, I can also smell tipex, there was no delete back in those days!! This is a talking point, an absolute statement piece, and oh goodness me wouldn’t you be proud to pour a cup of tea out of this one?!

And there you have it, my top 24 quirky teapots…I did have 25 but I had to remove one because it was a teapot-shaped clock oops! I did have nearly 50 teapots on this page at one point but I managed to whittle it down, otherwise I may never have finished this! So browse the offerings of each seller provided as they may have one in the shape and theme of your dreams, they just didn’t grab my attention enough to stay on the page! I think I might need a cup of tea now…who’s joining me?!