Because little boys love horses too…!
From now until Christmas, any special requests for my shopping skills will be added to this blog. Whether they are quirky or not, I want to help.
I have been approached by a boy Mama to help find gifts for her 3-year old boy who loves horses. It doesn’t take much research to find that most of the horse-related gifts for this age-range are geared towards girls, think My Little Pony and you get the picture. Now there is nothing wrong with giving the odd “girly” toy to a boy, this particular Mother doesn’t care about doing so and neither do I, but there is an abundance of “girly” horse toys out there, so it’s natural to want to balance out the sparkly pinks with some more boyish offerings. I may have found a few ideas. All pics in this post will have links to the items. The target age on some of these gift ideas may be higher than requested but I might as well include them, and you can decide if they are appropriate for the child you’re buying for.