Spring feel-good vibes…in a quirky way!

With Spring around the corner here in Wales, I wanted to capture some of the feel good quirkiness that we have available to us, and create a big ray of sunshine that will leave you feeling good, feeling happy and feeling positive.

What makes us feel good? What makes us look forward to Spring?

From what I’ve gathered, nature is at the fore-front of what makes people tick about Spring, the fresh blooms breathing new life into the landscapes around us. For me at least, once Christmas and it’s magic is over, I look forward to Spring. I look forward to brighter mornings, brighter evenings, better weather, it’s freshness. I also enjoy the little warmth it brings, a nice change from the colder seasons!

A new season brings new hopes, new dreams, a chance to start-over and to see yourself in a brand new way, a positive way. But sometimes, we need a nudge in this direction, and we often need to be reminded to be kind to ourselves. This is such a beautiful feel-good kit. Not only does it have a wonderful sentiment, I have found that having something creative to do lifts my mood, and encourages a healthier mind-set. I know sewing isn’t for everyone, but this kit looks quite simple and you’ll get something very pretty and meaningful to keep at the end of it.

Sometimes it takes a work of art to rekindle an emotion and to give you that feel-good factor. I think this colourful artwork would at the very least brighten up an otherwise dull spot, but it would also give you the strength to believe in yourself and to appreciate that you do have a choice and that everything you choose to do should ultimately lead to happiness. Butterflies are a favourite of mine too and they along with the birds, just give this artwork that Spring feel, when nature starts spreading it’s joy.

It wouldn’t be a feel-good post without a bit of alcohol would it?! This Gin glass oozes Spring feels. Coupled with a bottle of Gin, it would make the perfect Spring Feel Good gift! It stands out from the crowd, it’s a happy glass and it’s only fitting that it is enjoyed by a happy person!

I am definitely feeling the good vibes from this weekly planner stickers kit. It’s pretty, it’s freshly floral, it gives you the impression that Spring is definitely in the air. You’ll feel good when you’re planning the week, ad you’ll be reminded of those good vibes throughout the week with this cheerful stickers.

This is probably up there as one of my favourite finds for this post. I would wear it myself. It’s cute, it’s cheerful, and it’s not too chunky! I can imagine it making other people smile when they saw it. It would create an aura of happiness around you, and people like happy people don’t they?!

As well as being happy, I’m a massive fan of being kind! Kindness costs nothing, and you can be kind at any time of the year, but I found this temporary tattoo and thought it worth including in this post. It’s not a particularly quirky tattoo, but they are beautiful words, and beautiful words make you feel good! I’ve been trying to interpret this saying, and this is what I’ve come up with. A Spring day gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, a feeling of hope that just makes you feel good, and when someone says something kind to you, well, you get the same joyful smile on your face. If you can improve on this interpretation, I’d be more than happy to include it! I asked the question on my own Facebook profile and I’ve given a few interpretations, it is thought that it means a refreshing uplift of light, leaving behind the darkness (winter/negativity). I have also been given the notion that it is a promise of better things to come. Whatever it means, I think it’s a wonderful saying and I’m glad I have come across it.

I couldn’t resist adding this cute work of art in. You don’t usually associate hedgehogs with Spring, they are a creature we usually see in Autumnal designs, but this is so ‘Spring’ in it’s colours and blooms. The smile on the hedgehog’s face makes you smile too. You get the sense of joy it feels making friends with a butterfly. I love the use of flowers instead of spikes, it’s such a gentle, calm, soothing vision. It would look cute in a Nursery or child’s bedroom don’t you think?

Now this is something I would have up in my bedroom. I adore it. I love butterflies, they’re so pretty, and the colouring is very ‘Spring’! The best thing about this products is that there are no rules in regards to how you place them, they are transfers so they can be stuck in any order, dotted around the room if that’s what you prefer. I like the way they have showcased them around this mirror though, the wording just fits nicely with where you would look at yourself. We all like to be told we’re beautiful, well, Mirror Mirror on the wall and all that, this transfer will help you see your own beauty staring back at you.

Isn’t it wonderful that you can literally give someone the gift of being happy? Whether you’re into gardening or not, this little grow your own sunflowers kit is such a beautiful sentiment, I dare anyone not to smile and be happy when they receive it. Sunflowers are always associated with joy and sunshine, so it makes sense that they would be the flower of choice to include in a feel-good set such as this one!

Cherry trees are one of my favourite trees, I love how they bloom, it’s a short-lived beauty, but definitely one of the most beautiful wonders of nature in Spring. This is a crystal tree that has rose quartz and cherry quartz crystals on it. I’ve looked into the benefits of these stones and rose quartz are thought to promote self love, heal the heart and raise self-confidence. Cherry quartz is thought to purify energy, it can absorb negative energy which makes it the perfect stone to help purify things. After looking into the benefits, I’m quite tempted to get this tree myself!

This little thing here is such a ray of sunshine. It blooms with happiness. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what a needleminder was until I looked into it, it’s just a happy little place to keep a sewing needle safe. The colours are vibrant and I bet you would feel good every time you start a sewing project because as you go to get your needle to get started, you’ll be greeted with this fantastic smile!

I love this selection of cards, I know this particular seller sells similar styled greeting cards too, but these are affirmation cards, designed to enhance positivity and create a healthy mindset. They’re a nice size, so can be used as a happy little book-mark or even pin it up next to your work-space or somewhere where you can look at it and be given a little nudge in the right direction. The designs are quirky in their own right, but the flowers and outdoorsy look give them a Spring-time vibe.

For some reason, flowers give us joy. When you’re ill, feeling low, bereaved…flowers are the go-to gift, maybe more for women than men, but these would make a wonderful keepsake alternative to a real bunch of flowers. You can add a note to anyone, it’s not necessarily just for Mummies! I love that you can add your own cute little messages on the stems that would make them unique.

Here’s another alternative to a real bunch of blooms, with an added little bunny character too. Other colours available, but this one gives me the most Spring vibes. I love that these are flowers you can keep for years to come. They won’t wilt, they won’t be thrown out in a week or so, they are a gesture that will keep on giving for a long time.

I shared something similar to this on my Facebook page the other day, but I saw this and thought it was perfect for this particular post. This is the garden play kit. These kits are designed to stimulate imaginative play, which of course will make the little ones feel good! The butterflies, bees, ladybirds and flowers give it a Spring vibe. It’s a quirky gift idea, I haven’t seen anything like this before.

These boots are so different. I can’t say they’d be something I would personally wear, but they look fab, they really do have the feel-good factor. They’re colourful, bright and sunny, basically a floral meadow on your feet! Whatever you think of them, they are show-stoppers, and I can imagine them being perfect for Spring festivals!

Be your own kind of beautiful. I’ve seen this phrase used quite a bit whilst looking for these feel-good items. It all starts in the mind, as soon as you start appreciating the good in yourself, it will soon spread, and before you know it, you’ll be able to look at yourself in a whole new and positive way. At least I think that’s what this represents. The Spring bloom growing from the mind. Please do feel free to add your own interpretation!

I love this wreath, perfect if you want to add that Spring feel-good vibe to your home before friends and family enter it! Bee Happy is very much on trend at the moment, and I am grateful for it, it has created an abundance of bee-related quirky products, which I might indulge in a post of it’s own someday soon.

This is what is is! A quirky little ornament that will enhance the happy vibes in your happy place! The floral elements and the funky little tree gives it a Spring freshness. It’s quite shabby chic, but also fits in with this whole new trend of having natural materials, in particular wood, decorating your house.

I’m not huge in crystals, I think they’re beautiful, and I do get drawn to some more than others, but I don’t know much about them and how they work. This crystal set has been created especially for Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Each stone has properties to support at this time of the year. I’d say anything that helps to support you and helps to make you feel good is worth exploring don’t you?!

These are gorgeous-looking bath fizzer macarons. They look good enough to eat don’t they? They look like a Spring set to me, the colours give me an Easter vibe, all colourful and bright. These are vegan, made with sea salts and essential oils. The flavours sound amazing, passion fruit, peach, green apple, lemon, red grape and freesia; I bet they have a stunning aroma, What’s more feel good than a long soak in a hot bath with some funky bath bombs fizzing away and you making you feel a million dollars afterwards?!

This table decoration oozes Spring, I love the little lights adding more ambiance to the piece. It’s a work of art in all honesty. It’s almost like a sculpture that breathes life. It would indeed sit perfectly on a table, but you could place it on any flat surface as a decoration, doesn’t necessarily have to be a centerpiece. It could even be cute on a windowsill, a celebration of the Easter festivities that lie ahead! I like the magic is possesses, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a few fairies flying around it. It has a glow, a romance, and it makes me feel good!

This keyring says is all. I think it’s a fitting end to this post. I have tried to find you Spring feel-good vibes…in a quirky, unusual way, and I hope I have succeeded. I hope that some of the products, at least, have made you smile. But most of all I hope it reassures you that there is kindness out there, people are creating and selling such wonderful things that are aimed purely at giving you joy. There is happiness out there for everyone, yes, sometimes you have to dig a little deeper, look a little longer, but it is there. Look at the support network you have around you, you are safe, you are loved and it will be okay!

These pumpkins are for life, not just Halloween!

Pumpkins are up there as one of the quirkiest vegetables in my opinion. They’re so chunky and funnily-shaped. They have been used as canvases for creepy faces for Halloween for so many years, but people are getting so creating with their pumpkin artwork, it is unbelievable.

I thought it would be a bit of a challenge to find pumpkin-shaped products, but there’s a good amount about, I’m quite impressed!

The pumpkin even made it into one of the best-loved fairytales, Cinderella, as her carriage was originally a pumpkin! It makes sense that the pumpkin carriage would be created as some kind of product, a trinket box is the perfect choice. This is so beautiful and is very very similar to one I had from Mr Quirky a few years ago…I had spotted it in a quirky shop and hinted very loudly 😉 Mine is sparkly silver all over, but this one is just as elegant.

This cushions are adorable, they look so squishy and soft. Children in particular love funky cushions, our boy has all shapes and sizes..I think he’d love one of these, especially as his favourite colour (at the moment) is orange!

Oooh what a cutie little pot plant 🙂 Such a classy pumpkin, It would look fab with a cactus or a mini tree in it…or even as a holder for bits and bobs or pens! It’s so dinky, perfect for jazzing up an area that is tight on space!

I adore this, one of my favourite finds…such a cute little cosy bed for little pets! Looks so snug and warm, perfect for the Winter months. if they made them human-sized I’d be seriously tempted!!

This is fabulous, such a funky little bottle opener. This listing is for 12 pieces for some reason, so it could be a good order if you have a lot of people to give a gift to! I think it’s a very clever design, love it!

This pumpkin fairy house is stunning, I’m quite positive it already features in my fairy house post I wrote many months ago, that’s how much I love it! I can imagine it looking fab on a windowsill or outside…this pumpkin is definitely not just for Halloween!

This pumpkin mug is so funky, love the lid too! Great for soups as well as cuppas, keep it nice and warm. My quirky radar went through the roof when I saw this!

Such an elegant pumpkin, it would add a glorious glow to any room. It’s beautiful as a decorative piece on it’s own, but the light feature makes it even more special.

Do you like marzipan? This is so cool, a bunch of marzipan pumpkins in a coffin box, genius idea! It does ooze Halloween vibes, but a lot of people are into the gothic theme these days, could be the perfect gift for someone who has that taste!

Such a beautiful pumpkin carriage locket, perfect gift idea for a romantic girl or lady. This is one piece of jewellery I would truly treasure if I was given it, it’s very special.

With crystals becoming very popular, I am seeing them in all shapes and sizes, but how could I not add this pumpkin into this post?! It looks fab, and would be a perfect addition to a crystal collection, especially this time of the year.

This is a set of 3 decorative pumpkins, I had to add them in due to their unusual colouring and patterns. They have such an Autumn look and feel to them, I really like them.

Fancy adding a bit of va va voom to your frothy coffees? This stencil would allow to do just that! You could give your own pumpkin spice latte a go at home and make it look just like they do in the shops!

What a beautifully designed pin cushion. I love the choice of fabric, and I love that it has a wooden base. Beautiful detailing with the added leaf too. Sweet little piece.

This is a sturdy-looking pumpkin! Made out of horse shoes!! It would look awesome outside with a big candle glowing in the middle. This is a pumpkin with a difference, I’d imagine quite hard to steal too, it must weigh quite a bit!

Pumpkin knobs eeeek! You can buy them in sets of 8 but I do have an issue with this listing, you can only buy them in sets of one colour…but I like the combo of all colours as shown in the image, that would make such a funky chest of drawers or whatever! But they are too cool to not include in this post!

This is a goooorgeous pumpkin candle holder. It has elegance, class and I love it. I love the workmanship on the leaves and stalk, probably my favourite parts. This is definitely the type of pumpkin I’d have in my house!

I think you’ll find most of these quirky pumpkins have longevity beyond Halloween, I really do hope you see something you like…and hope this post isn’t too late for any pre-Halloween orders!

A dream World of colourful houses!

My dream World would definitely consist of colourful houses, vibrant towns and multi-coloured streets; oh what a beautiful life it would be! I often wonder why the houses, particularly here in Britain are so boring…not everywhere of course, a lot of coastal areas go nutty for colours and every house has it’s own colour, it’s own character. If you’re thinking of painting your house, please do it (within reason!) it might encourage your neighbours to give their house a make-over too, and before you know it, you will love the street that you live on!

I adore colour on my products, and I find houses so quirky on things. One of my favourite mugs is my festive village scene mug, it’s just so colourful, yes it is Christmassy, but I use it all year round because it’s too pretty to be hidden away!

I’ll start with my favourite product, this colourful houses backpack. I am sooo in love with this that Mr Quirky has asked me repeatedly to just order one for myself, but I already have two beautiful backpacks that I don’t use, so as much as I love it, I’m holding off on ordering one just yet…but the more I look at it even now as I’m writing, the more I want it! It would be amazing to carry this around during the festive season!

I had to add this stunning little dress in, if there was an adult version, I might have tempted! It’s so colourful and kooky. Sizes range from 12-18m to 12-14yrs so you could really annoy your daughters by making them all wear matching dresses…as the eldest of four girls, this happens, trust me!!! It is so pretty though, you can even choose between long or short sleeved. I love it.

Going on holiday and want to be able to spot your suitcase in amongst the others? This colourful luggage tag will certainly stand out. I can’t work out if it’s a painting or a photograph, there’s so much detail! I have often advertised my own quirky luggage tags as a cute way to give a gift of a trip or holiday, something to open with tickets perhaps!

This would be like carrying a work of art around with you. Fabulous colours, quirky artistry, all the houses and windows are a bit wonky, but that’s what makes it stand out. I have many purses, none of them are plain, this would fit right in with my collection. It looks like a happy place to be.

I know this jigsaw puzzle isn’t “quirky” quirky, but I thought it deserved to be added in for it’s vibrance and colourfulness. It’s quite possibly one of the prettiest jigsaws I’ve come across this year. I do love a puzzle, especially at Christmas time, when work slows down and fun times begin. With our boy being 4 years old now, I’m hoping this is the year we’ll be able to do a proper jigsaw together as a family…we’ll see! Anyway, back to the puzzle, it is of Positano in Italy which is a beautiful area of a beautiful Country. I’m sure this would be an absolute joy to complete.

A pretty painting you might think, and yes, yes it is absolutely beautiful, and even just as a stand alone canvas, this is gorgeous; but the reason I’ve added it in to my quirky post is because of it’s light function. If you click on the picture, it’ll take you to the listing where you’ll see an image of it with a gentle glow in the dark, making it a perfect night light or just a little something to create ambiance.

This is one funky, super quirky clock! This would brighten up the kitchen for sure, it would even add a gorgeous splash of colour and quirkiness to a bedroom too with it’s night-time scenery and funny-looking moon man! It would even look cool in a fun restaurant or bar, why not?! A sleepy but cheerful vision, the colours are vibrant, the houses all kooky and fun. I really like it, it has stacks of character.

Ooooh this little drawstring bag is right up my funky street! Perfect for swimming, beach days, play dates, shopping, the gym(??!). It would definitely stand out from any other bags so not an easy one to misplace or to get confused with anyone else’s bag! Children will love the fun colours, I love the fun colours!

These are 100% my kind of curtains…I would have loved them as a teen / young adult for sure. Might have to persuade Mr Quirky to let me indulge in a bit of quirky for the bedroom with this gorgeous pair of curtains. Lovely calming colours, beautiful, elegant houses, a special find for me, love love love.

Now this is quirky in a different way. Bold in colour and style. A cute little bag for a night out, it would make the right outfit ‘pop’! It gives something very classy and stylish a little bit of quirky charm, a little bit of fun.

This here has got to be one of most beautiful fabrics I’ve ever come across. I would love this as a bag, a dress, a cushion, curtains, I don’t know, just make me a whole sofa with this on it! It is gorgeous, combines my adoration of quirky trees and colourful houses, might be my favourite find in this theme. It has a bit of fantasy, a bit of magic and I think if you are a person who creates with materials, you’d be mad to pass up an opportunity to make something special out of this one!

These are actually a set of magnets! I am quite tempted by these, they would make munchkin’s school letters board much brighter and friendlier…all I have on that at the moment are little black magnets, these are much more fun! They are like beautiful little works of art, the colours are stunning and vibrant, the scenes quirky and cute. This particular store is full of wonderful, colourful, quirky bits and bobs, I recommend a little browse of their offerings.

Ok, so I know we’re still a way off Christmas yet, but isn’t this Christmas cushion gorgeous? A perfect comfortable decoration for the festive season! I would love a couple of these I’ve got to be honest, I love a Winter Village scene, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

This suncatcher is so funky and bright, a real statement piece to hang in your window, people will pass your house in awe and think, ‘wow, those people are cool, look at their quirky suncatcher’! There’s only 1 left of this style so you might want to hurry and get it quick before anyone else nabs it, but if you miss out, this store has plenty more colourful suncatchers to offer.

Last but not least, this stunning lampshade has got it all going on! Colour, style, sooo chic! I can imagine it looking amazing in a clutter-free, very modern, very white room…but I can also see it adding more charm and colour to a more quirky, vibrant abode. It’s a very versatile design. Brighten up a kitchen or hallway maybe, it would look fab in a conservatory! Oooh maybe even in a cool cafe, restaurant or bar…can you imagine a few of these hanging from the ceiling, they’d look awesome!

This colourful houses post has been on the cards for so long, leaving it as long as I have meant that I was able to add in a couple of festive finds, which is fab seeing as the inspiration for this post came from my Christmas village scene mug! It’s been so lovely to look at all these colours. My Grandparents lived in a little coastal village called Aberaeron, full of colourful houses, this may be why I was drawn to this topic, a homage to my Grandparents, that colourful houses and colourful streets will always make me think of them, bless their souls. I found it quite hard to find colourful houses on products, so please, if you do come across any that you think I might like, do let me know, I’d be most grateful.

Plantasia…we’ll be back!

One thing I have learnt over the last few months is that children definitely bring adventure back into your lives. Our four-year old has a massive hunger for all things exciting and new, he embraces every new environment with open arms, and I just knew that he would absolutely love this gorgeous little place called Plantasia in Swansea, Wales. It looks like a massive greenhouse in the middle of a retail park, so random, but step inside and you step into another World.

Plantasia had a massive £1.1 million re-development and opened it’s doors again in April this year (2019). I have no idea what the old Plantasia looked like, but with this re-vamp, I’m sure it’ll be a hit with families looking for an escape from the mundane!

They have even started introducing some new additions like the adorable little leopard cat, it was one of the reasons we visited, but she was still very new and very shy. But maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll get to see her settle into her new home as she gets more comfortable with her new surroundings.

Our little one had a zookeeper experience, and he had such a fab time, he started off feeding the animal he was most looking forward to seeing, the cutie little meerkats! One preferred grapes and the other preferred mini corns, so funny to watch them roll their food in the sand before they ate them. I guess we all have our quirks, but if anyone knows why they do this, I have a very inquisitive munchkin here who would love to know!

He also got to feed live locusts to the most adorable little monkeys, these ones are called marmosets, and they have definitely captured my heart and are now up there in my top 5 favourite animals! I thought munchkin would have an issue feeding them live creatures, but he seemed unphased, which made for a much more positive zoo-keeper experience that’s for sure!

Meet Rainbow the beautiful parrot, she is definitely the most funky animal in Plantasia, she’s got beauty, she’s got multicoloured feathers and she has got a fiery attitude. Here’s our boy feeding her some pistachio nuts, her favourite snack. Rainbow certainly left an impression on him, he chose to buy a parrot teddy in the gift shop because it looked like Rainbow.

I was really looking forward to seeing the crocodiles, they were quite dinky for crocs. I couldn’t stop watching them. I love how they just float in the water, arms and legs (do they have arms and legs, or just four legs??!) anyway, they would just lie there floating, very strange but compelling viewing! They even have a turtle living with them, the turtle seems to get on better with the crocodiles than with other turtles, interesting to hear all their different traits and characters.

As our boy threw in loads of live crickets for them to chomp on, one of them came right up to where I was standing and just stared at me for what felt like ages, so glad there was something separating us, I don’t think he liked me papping away with my camera…or maybe he did and was just posing, who knows?!

Believe it or not, out of all the animals he fed, the fish were the most viscous of them all! They went mental, fighting for their grub, thrashing around as if it was a Black Friday sale in Asda! They were huge too, possibly the biggest fish I’ve ever seen! They did add a beautiful splash of colour to this tropical paradise.

As part of our special visit, munchkin was also allowed to hold some of the animals. This place is fab for allowing children to interact with and hold various animals, they have handling sessions where children can hold snakes and dragons etc. It was a precious moment to see such joy on our boy’s face as he held a little tortoise for the first time.

He also chose to hold the red corn snake, he is so much braver than I am, you wouldn’t find me anywhere near it. I was holding my breath hoping he wouldn’t drop it…hence why I don’t have a pic of him actually holding it!!

I had been harping on about the place have dragons so there was some excitement to holding a dragon…he did ask first if it would eat him. We had to explain that it’s not like the dragons in fairytales, it doesn’t breathe fire or eat people! It latched on to him with his feet though so he was quick to give the dragon back! Yet another failed photo opp grrr!

He loves his bugs and creepy crawlies, so holding a slimy big African Snail was right up his street. So much bigger than I’d expected it to be. I would be squirming at the feel of that sticky, gooey, slimey creature crawling on my hand, but I guess children today are obsessed with slime so not too different to a little tub of dinosaur poo slime!

I still can’t quite believe that he did try to hold this big cockroach!! It tickled so it was a short-lived hold but he did hold it! So impressed with his readiness and total willingness to hold and touch everything he was allowed to, he seemed completely at ease with the animals. I am so glad, because I am a massive scaredy-cat!

So after feeding and handling, we had a little walk around ourselves and I think this here is one of my favourite features. Children can crawl under the meerkat’s enclosure and literally watch them close-up and personal through this dome. Such an amazing idea, these type of things are the features that make it a special day out for children, they really do add to their adventure.

I was quite impressed myself with the weird and wonderful plants that surrounded the place, from giant cacti to this avocado tree, it did give you rainforest vibes. It beat visiting the garden centre, that’s for sure.

And I loved seeing the poisonous and deadly bits and bobs that had it’s own section too. These are called rosary peas, they are toxic, but their vibrance caught my eye. Luckily all poisonous plants and creatures are safe out of reach!

And check out these golden poison dart frogs, so cute but so deadly! Found it quite a calming experience to watch them though. They’re bodies look a bit like plucked chickens, really strange skin, closest I’ve seen to human, apart from them being a bit green!

From one weird-looking creature to the most weird-looking thing I’ve ever seen in my life! Can’t believe it smiled for the camera, so chuffed! This here is the quirkiest creature in this place for sure. It’s an axolotl, a type of salamander. I was mesmerised by it, kooky little thing! Not sure I’d want to touch it or hold it or anything like that but such an unusual creature, you can’t help but appreciate it.

And here’s a good shot of the marmoset, even if I do say so myself! No-one could pull off a funky hairstyle like this, paint the white bits green and you’d have Krusty the Clown! Joking aside, they have the tiniest of faces, the kindest of eyes, and I fell head over heels in love with all four of them.

I loved that there were many interactive parts that helped encourage a child’s imagination, and opportunities for fun and colourful photo opportunities too. Surely everyone needs to have a picture taken being eaten by a venus fly trap?! It is the quirkiest, most interesting plant in the whole wide World, so this totally makes sense in Plantasia.

And this sloth is an amazing feature. We had to pry our boy away from there, he just kept wanting his picture taken as a sloth! Now, I have always joked that I look like a sloth in some pictures , even some from our Wedding Day! Soooo, this had to be done. Sloths are my favourite animal at the moment too, they’re so cute and cuddly.

I think the waterfall is a stunning bonus feature that really adds to the rainforest effect. We of course needed to take a picture of our boy on the top of it. From this view, you get to see the whole place beneath you, I was so focused on getting a good picture of our boy, I don’t think I appreciated it enough at the time. Next time we go, I’ll need to spend more time there taking in what the view has to offer.

And I love that there’s a little tunnel underneath the waterfall too. Felt like a real adventure trail, as if you were in a secret world within a jungle. The imagination put in to this place is stunning, a lot of research must have been done to get the place looking and feeling so authentic.

Towards the end of our walk around, we came across a wishing tree. Our boy’s first wish was to have all the toys in the shop, but after asking again for a sensible wish, he said he wished he could be a sloth. I absolutely love this wish, I love the wishing tree, I think it’s such a special idea, hope it stays there for years to come. We all love a chance to make a wish don’t we?!

Our awesome time out in this fabulous little gem of a place ended in their Canopy Cafe. Munchkin loved his mushroom toastie, it did look amazing, he just keeps asking for toasties most days now! And we had the most delicious stone-baked pizzas. I recommend The Garden Club pizza, tasted just like the ones you get in Italy. It was a real treat and a lovely end to a magical day.

As soon as we left, our boy’s first words were “oh, I miss all the animals, can we go back tomorrow?” This is definitely somewhere we would like to visit again in the future. It’s reasonably priced, and has definitely got the thumbs up from our very busy 4-year old. Seeing our boy’s eyes light up so many times in so many hours was the best thing about this unique experience. We left with a stuffed parrot, stuffed tummies and our hearts filled with memories to treasure.

So Plantasia definitely gets this Quirky Shopper’s seal of approval. For more details re price, location and opening times, please see their website or Facebook page.

If you know of any unusual experience you think we would enjoy as a family, please do let me know. Do you have a quirky or unusual day out for us? Would you like to be featured on this blog? Please do get in touch! We’re all about having amazing adventures now as a family so the more suggestions the better.

Cranking up the heat with these quirky hot air balloons!

I was so excited to research hot air balloons as a theme, but it has turned out to be quite a tricky one to be honest. Maybe I’m just getting more fussy, but there is definitely a lack of hot air balloon inspired products out there! So, if you are a manufacturer, get on it, fill this gap! Hot air balloons are just one of those things you expect to find in a quirky capacity, it would lend itself so well to so many products, so it has surprised me to find so little out there. But, I have of course given it a good go!

This hot air balloon bed is by far one of my most extravagant finds to date. I think it’s amazing, and if you have oodles of money and space…and a child you’d like to spoil, well, why wouldn’t you want their bed to look like this?! It oozes style and elegance, it wouldn’t surprise me if one of the Royal children begged for one in their room. It is definitely fit for a Prince or Princess!

This next hot air balloon is an adorable little light for a child’s bedroom. It has a calm and relaxing ambiance, making it an ideal night light. I love the shape, the little lights are sweet and I can imagine it being loved by both boys and girls. If you’re thinking of hot air balloons as a theme for a unisex nursery, this would be perfect.

These beautifully quirky knobs are like funky works of art that would look so beautiful in a little one’s bedroom or play room. Fun and colourful with an abundance of character and charm. Picture this: fresh, plain, white furniture, then boom, add these gorgeous little splashes of quirky and they’ll transform the whole look of the furniture. This is exactly how to create quirky vibes without breaking the bank!

This amazing clock has got child-appeal written all over it. The vibrant colours makes it stand out a mile compared to the other hot air balloon shaped wall clocks I came across. Not only would it add colour to a kids bedroom, it would be sure to help with developing their time-telling skills!

I adore these little chairs, I know our boy would quite gladly have them both set up in his bedroom. They are adorable. The colours are funky and fresh which would allow them to sit well in any kind of decor or colour scheme. I can see them in bedrooms, play rooms or even in tree-houses and Summer houses. Cute and easy to carry from one setting to the other, they are perfect little chairs for the special little munchkins in your lives.

These stunning wine glasses definitely deserve to be used in Summer houses. They are beautifully designed. They have a Summery, romantic look to them and they should be appreciated. My favourite wine is rose and it would look so pretty in these glasses, I feel like I should own a set, they belong in my glass cupboard! I don’t have a Summer house, but I can easily get wine!!

From arty glasses for Summer days, to arty umbrellas for Summer rain! This is a gorgeous product, the colours are fantastic, and you would be the envy of all other umbrella users! You’d probably get drones following you if you were to use one of these, like a walking piece of art! I would absolutely love to see every single brolly have some kind of colourful artwork on them, it would make rainy days so much more pleasurable.

This is a magical hot air balloon, it has real dandelions held within, so make a wish and see what happens! This is such an unusual piece of jewellery. There are so many hot air balloon necklaces available, and I can understand why, it is a quirky shape and lends itself well as a pendant, but this one is very unusual. It’s classy, has a vintage look to it, and has the extra little touch of wonder inside. A very special kind of quirky.

I wasn’t sure whether to include this next one if I’m totally honest, I didn’t know if it was quirky enough to make the final cut, but Mr Quirky approved it, and he is a fuss-pot when it comes to whether things are quirky enough! I love it, it’s so gorgeous, the colours are stunning. It has a regal look to it, but then it has a circus vibe to it too. There are of course plenty of lovely compact mirrors out there, but I haven’t seen any like this, it is pretty unusual. I can totally see other people commenting on it if you took it out of your handbag in public, it definitely has that kind of power! Highly attractive, very desirable and has a gorgeously unique design.

Speaking of handbags, this one is pretty out there. This is such an unbelievably quirky bag, you could be wearing any old thing and no-one would batter an eyelid, all focus would be on the bag! This particular design has almost a sporty feel to it, not sure why, maybe the choice of colours or that it looks like a leather football. You could use it as a gym bag, it is big enough to hold a fair amount of things, or fab for a day trip, good for carrying a decent size lunch. If you have children, they would think their Mama was so cool with this bag, and we all love to be winners in our kids’ eyes don’t we?!

This is something so incredibly different, I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve ever come across them. Great gifts for garden-lovers, bird-watchers, or just for someone who has everything, doesn’t need anything etc give them the gift of giving a bird a home! Fabulous design, and looks like a snug little house for our tweety little friends. Might be a bit early to mention Christmas but if you’re stuck for ideas, this here is a winning idea that won’t cost you the earth, especially as it comes in a cute box too.

We deserve to be snug in our homes too, and this lamp just makes me feel all cozy. The colouring is warm and wonderful. It would blend in well with a quirky decor with lots of nicknacks, but would stand out like a beacon of beauty in a more subtle and plain environment. I doubt it would even have to have a working bulb in it to give you the sense of warmth, the yellows and reds of the glass does the job anyway.

And here’s another exquisitely-designed piece that would look awesome just as an ornament, but it has a purpose, and this quirky shopper loves a bit of quirky that has a use! What it lacks in colour, it makes up for in it’s decorative detailing, it is spot on. Steampunk vibes are becoming increasingly popular, and this clock fits very comfortably in this field of design.

I hope I have managed to take you up, up and away to a wonderful world of quirky hot air balloons. I wish I could have found more, but I do love this selection. Here’s hoping I haven’t spouted out too much hot air around these awesome products!

Quirky knife blocks

This is something I never knew existed, quirky knife blocks! But low and behold, I have managed to find a few. My knife block is a pretty standard wooden block, it does the job, but if I do upgrade at any time, I will most definitely be looking for something a bit more interesting. I am actually quite tempted to get Mr Quirky’s pyrography set out and see if I can give my existing knife block a little make-over!

My first find here isn’t really a block as such, but it is somewhere that holds your knives and would probably be a source of inspiration were I to add my own design to my own block. I love trees, so this was always going to attract me, but even the way it works is unusual. I love it.

Being a proud Welsh girl, a true Celt, I am always going to be drawn to celtic designs, and this knife block is no exception. Truly stunning work of art on an otherwise mundane item. It has been completely transformed. It would make such a special gift for a new home or Wedding, any special occasion really. Another source of inspiration, a beautiful piece.

Now this is a design that is so quirky, but so at home in the kitchen at the same time. To use cookbooks as a base for a knife block is a genius idea. I think it’s kooky, fun and just works so well for this type of product. I imagine this working mostly in a country cottage or quaint farmhouse, it’s so charming and works a treat.

On to something totally different. This Deadpool head knife block was actually what kicked-started my research into quirky knife blocks. This was mentioned by a friend who runs the Facebook page Geekaholic as being on her wishlist. I hadn’t seen anything like this before and it intrigued me enough to want to find what other knife block gems were hiding out there. I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about Deadpool, but this is pretty cool!

Now here is a head I do recognise! Being a big Game of Thrones fan (see recent Game of Thrones inspired post!) this would be more my cup of tea, even if it is the scary Night King! Any Game of Thrones fan would love to stick knives into this character’s head I’d imagine!!!

This next knife block doesn’t look that unusual at first glance, but look again! It has such a unique style, this one almost looks like a barn or stable. It has farmhouse written all over it. It looks gorgeous, and holds so many knives, such a practical piece of quirky!

This next knife block is so quirky, so stylish and so much fun. I’d be so proud to give this as a gift, it is so cool! Who doesn’t love a Spartan in the kitchen?! There is no wonder that this has come up as a bestseller, it screams imagination and certainly oozes quirkiness.

And from one type of fighter to another, this funky ninja is such an appropriate holder for knives. It would look right at home in a bachelor pad kitchen, or fun for a family with children. It is so fun and quite possibly my favourite knife block in this list.

This magnetic knife block / holder is an unusual one. What I like about this is that you’re not limited to a certain number of knives at certain sizes, it’s a free for all kind of block. It has a fun slogan type of design which would fit well in most modern kitchens. Easy to clean and even if it has no knives actually on it, it still looks like it belongs in the kitchen.

This is an epic knife block / holder, especially for a Star Wars fan! I’m not hugely into the films, but I’m massively into this product. This is such a fabulously designed item, it would cool just as an ornament, but the knives are actually part of the design, truly amazing!

Hopefully this post will inspire you to add a bit of quirky to your kitchens! I’m sure I’ll see an abundance of quirky knife blocks now that I’m moving on to the next thing, but I’ll be sure to add any if and when I find them! The lovely Debbie who has a Facebook page Home is Where the Heart is 2019 helped point me in the direction of some of these quirky knife blocks, it was a real help as I didn’t quite know where to begin looking. If you have a quirky product range / theme etc you’d like to see covered, or even if you’d like to help me shop, let me know, quirky shoppers do work better with company!

Be unique like a butterfly

Butterflies are my favourite and I love seeing them on my things. I love the shape, the colours, the patterns. They are all so unique, so delicate and so beautiful. I have so many butterflies on my stuff it’s unbelievable. I have butterflies on my cushions, a couple of purses, a handbag, a rucksack, quite a few necklaces, my vanity case, quite a few tops, and I do have my gorgeous butterfly tree light. I see butterflies as a timeless classic in terms of design. We see many animals and creatures come and go as far as trends go, but butterflies are one of those constant themes that people never tire of. They never propel to the top of the trends, but they are always there, and they never leave.

It is no wonder that butterflies can be found near enough on everything, but I actually found it quite tricky to find the truly quirky pieces. I hope I’ve done my favourite theme justice with this post. Some people believe that butterflies are a sign of loved ones popping by to say hello, I love this idea, especially as butterflies seem like such peaceful creatures.

I would say this first find is my proudest find, it is lacking in colour (although you can get it in yellow too!) but boy does it make up for it in style. I honestly think that if I won the lottery today, this would be the first thing on my shopping list, especially as I actually do need a bench for the garden anyway! This would look fab in a conservatory too if you wanted to protect it from the weather. Easily the most stunning bench I have ever ever ever seen, and I have fancies quite a few quirky ones over the years.

This next find is a little cutie. I do love rose gold at the moment, and I don’t own a stirrer so this could be an easy thing for Mr Quirky to add to his Christmas shopping list this year! I love the way it just sits there delicately on the edge of the cup. This is exactly the type of quirky you would find in my house, I love it.

This butterfly shelf is gorgeous, it looks like slate but it’s actually made from wood. Advertised as a crystal shelf, which, if you’re into crystals would be a stunning use of it, but could be used for little trinkets, ornaments or candles. This is such an unusual shape for a shelf and 100% deserves to be in this post.

This adorable pink butterfly table is a bedroom must-have surely, especially for little girls. There is also a white version, but the pink wins it in my view. So pretty, so girly, it’s absolutely fabulous, and I actually would have bought it if I had my own room!!

This butterfly mask is not your every day item so you’re probably wondering why I’ve added it in to this post. But it is a stunning work of art, and if you were every invited to a masked ball (some people still have them!) this would be such a unique mask, so delicate and beautiful. It might be a bit weird for the school run, but in the right environment, this would be a show-stopper.

I am extremely tempted to buy this sun catcher for myself. My birthday is coming up, so if no-one gets it for me, I might have to treat myself! I love the butterfly shape of course, but I adore the fact that it has real pressed flowers in the glass, and the colours are so gorgeous. So apart from a picnic table, this is up there at the top of my birthday wishlist!

If I had seen these butterfly wing chair ties before our Wedding, I think I might have gone all Bridezilla and demanded that I have them! These are absolutely gorgeous, other colours available too. They’re so magical, yes, they do have like a fairy kind of vibe going on too, but whether they be for a fairy or butterfly theme, they are amazing. If you’re planning a huge event whether it be a party or a Wedding, and you want to make your room look all enchanted and beautiful, if I were you, I’d go for these!

I’m going to calm myself down a bit now after all that raving about the last find, and which better way to calm ones mind but with the colour blue. This stunning butterfly lamp comes in many different colours, and I would normally go for the multi-coloured, but with these lamps, this was the one that drew me in. Stunningly quirky, but I can imagine it sitting there quite comfortably in a more subtly designed bedroom or study. This has a calm, relaxing beauty, and oh man, I want this too!!

Not sure if I could have done with butterflies post without adding a little jewellery into the mix. So many sparkly and colourful pieces to choose from, but this one is the one I’d be most likely to wear, especially to a special occasion like a Wedding, it would make the plainest of outfits pop don’t you think? I love turquoises and teals so this is the perfect colour for me.

Now this next find is in here because it is an extremely brave design for a dress. I am not sure if I could pull this type of dress off (I mean, I could take it off, but not pull it off, you know what I mean!) The colours are unusual but so butterfly-like, it really is a stunning design. If I’m honest, I think if this came in other colours rather than the yellow / orange, I would potentially give it a go, either teals or pinks would be gorgeous, red would be striking coupled with red lipstick too!

I have a handbag with silver glitter butterflies all over it, and I desperately wanted to find a butterfly bag to include here, I went passed many beautiful bags, stunning colours etc, but then this one is the one that got my attention. Although it’s not a bright colour, the goth design is striking, very unusual…and we don’t do normal here do we? so I think this clutch is the perfect fit for this particular post.

I am so glad I found a butterfly shoe to include. These would look stunning with a little black dress. This is where accessories can really make an outfit stand out. It wouldn’t surprise me if I saw these on the red carpet somewhere, they look very modern and stylish, but the butterfly, that’s what earns it my adoration!

These vintage-looking photo frames combine my two loves of butterflies and sparkly! I love the elegant style and colouring and the quirky shape is so perfect, but the sparkly crystals around the edges gives them an extra touch of class. I even love how the tips if the wings act like legs to help them stand.

Last but not least, this gorgeous, quirky and oh so stylish butterfly back chair. It also comes in pink or dark teal but I thought this white was the most striking funnily enough. This is the colour that would match most decors, and it has a kind of Grecian look to it, it is absolutely fit for a Goddess! Advertised as a make-up / vanity stool, which would be fabulous use for it, especially in a lavish dressing room. But, I also think it would look lovely in a conservatory or breakfast room or even on a balcony with a little table. An exquisite design, and I just know you’ll love it as much as I do.

And there goes the end of another quirky post. Do you love butterflies? Surely I can’t be the only fan! Butterflies are the most beautiful of creatures of all, and I will always be like a magnet to true beauty. Butterflies are unique, they have their own designs, and so do we. Be happy with your own design, be unique…like a butterfly!

Quirky gifts fit for your King…

Out of every gift recipient in the World, I would say men are the hardest to buy for. They don’t want for much, what they do want, they buy themselves, so finding a gift that they don’t even know they want yet is the best way forward. With Father’s Day approaching here in the UK, I thought it was an apt topic of research for this next post. Rather than going for Dad this and Dad that, I have mostly opted for gifts that can be given to any man for any occasion, whether it be birthdays, Christmas, leaving gifts, these would be fabulously quirky gifts to give.

This has really inspired me to re-think my giftage for Father’s day. My poor Dad usually ends up with a packet of wagon wheels and some jammie dodgers so any of these gifts would be a massive step up!

This crab multi-tool is amazing, if there’s one thing I have learned from being married to Mr Quirky for so many years is that a multi-tool is always a welcome gift. It’s useful but this one is particularly fun with it’s crabby shape. We love it here at Quirky HQ! Doesn’t necessarily have to say Daddy, any name can be added to it. This is quirky at it’s best.

This next find is a bit random, but I had to add it in. I have never seen a shaped padlock before and this is why it would make a funky little gift. Unusual turns the non-gift into a great gift! Not only is the turtle super quirky, but the colouring and style is so classy, This would add a little va va voom to the garden shed or a ‘keep out’ box!

I would say alcohol is one of those safety gifts for men, especially for Father’s Day. But what if you could make that alcohol gift extra special and memorable at the same time. This gas / petrol pump drinks dispenser is so funky. It would be sure to put a big smile on ‘his’ face. It doesn’t necessarily have to be just for alcohol, there’s fun here for the whole family!

This next find is a funny one. Emulating a six-pack, this lunch bag is so cool. It would be fab if you did fill it with cans when giving it too. Jokey and practical has been a winning combination for men’s gifts for many years. This cooler lunch bag can be personalised with any name, and has a shoulder strap which is extremely handy.

Vinking tv shows such as Vikings and The Last Kingdom have created a surge in interest of novelty horn cups, and there is a huge amount of various materials horn cups out there that would make fabulous gifts, but this horn glass is very classy. I have seen many quirky-shaped beer glasses over the years, but this is the first time I’ve seen a horn. I love that it has it’s own stand too. This is very unique and I do think that any man would love to own one of these whether they’re into the tv shows or not.

I bought something similar to this for my husband a few Christmases ago and it is probably up there as one of the most successful gifts I’ve given him over the years. It is so useful, we both use it near enough on a daily basis. It has a keyring function too so easy to keep it close at hand. The tiny screwdrivers have been a God-send with the many children’s toys that need to be unscrewed from boxes or to insert batteries. A great practical quirky gift for a Dad for sure, but any person at any age would benefit from having one of these in their house. Great price too!

Ok, so I know socks is a pretty standard gift for men. I know that Mr Quirky relies on Christmas, birthday etc for socks, he hasn’t bought his own for so many years. But, I have never seen pizza socks before, and never displayed in a pizza box like this before. So funky, I think it’s fab, especially for a pizza-lover of a man. These are pretty quirky socks!

I know that men and women alike take their dogs for a walk, but something tells me that a light saber dog lead would be more of a man’s cup of tea…I even checked with Mr Quirky so I must be right! This would be an epic gift to give. If he’s a Star Wars fan (most men are or have been at some point) and he has a dog, this would be a fun, practical gift to give. Be prepared to see some lead envy from other dogs and dog walkers though!

Men do tend to get a lot of books as gifts too, so why not give them a gift that will help them out with this…the gift of light! This funky dog-shaped lamp would be extremely useful either in the study or as a bedside lamp. Stylishly designed, it certainly wouldn’t be an eye-sore, and although it is quirkilly-shaped, it is a sophisticated lamp, and would blend in well with any theme / colour.

Another favourite type of gift to give a man is anything gardening-related. I even have a couple of quirky gardening mugs on my website that would make fab gifts for men. I was very drawn to this tractor bird house. It’s quirky and has a purpose which makes it a top notch gift. It has a gorgeous vintage vibe. Children loves tractors too so it would be a fun bird house to have in any garden.

A little bit of fun with this quirky gardening gifts part of the post! I found many other animal watering cans, but this elephant is my favourite, and possibly the most unusual. A stylish gift to give, and has a use, and even when it isn’t in use, it would look great as a garden ornament. You could even use it as a quirky planter!

This is the first time I’ve seen anything like this so a lovely little addition to the post I think. These birds apparently act like watering devices. Great if you’re away for a few days and don’t have anyone to water your plants! This might be a good option for me because nothing survives in my garden / house, apart from weeds!

This is probably one of my favourite ‘for him’ finds. It is very attractive and dare I say, a little bit pretty! The colours are stunning, a beautiful work of art with the quirky colourful houses and the fishing boat. What I like most about it is that it is a memory box, a fabulous place for him to keep his keepsakes, memories and most treasured possessions. I adore this memory box, I love the artwork and I’m sure it would be very well received as a very special gift.

This hand ring would make a very special keepsake to put in that box. A great gift for a new Father maybe as a gift from his new baby. Extremely quirky, the design is exquisite. It has the potential to have a truly amazing sentiment. This is a stunning little gift to give the special man in your life.

This next find would make such a sweet gift. I found many quirky clocks like this one, works of art created out of what seems to be vinyl records, but this one stood out to me. This clock captures real magic between Father and Daughter. Any Father would be proud to hang this on the wall for all to see, it is stunning and I love it.

I have purely skimmed the top of special quirky gifts for men here, but I hope they have inspired some ideas for you. Don’t be predictable with your gift choices for the men in your life this year, give them a little bit of quirky and they will be so grateful, mix it up a bit! A little bit of the unexpected is good for everyone every now and again, even those men who ‘don’t want anything’! Men deserve to feel special too, they are our kings, our princes, our heroes, and we should celebrate them.

Music to my quirky ears just in time for Eurovision!

With the spectacular event of the Eurovision Song Contest happening this weekend, I thought that a music was an appropriate theme to explore. Music is one of my main passions in life. My childhood saw many instruments come and go. I was so taken by the harp in an Eisteddfod (Welsh Creative Arts Festival) that I begged my parents for one…I was given a recorder! I had violin lessons for years but I doubt I was any good. As an adult, I dabble in playing the keyboard but my voice is my instrument.

I love singing. I love song-writing. I once dreamt of being the voice of a Disney Princess one day, or to work in Disneyland as a singing Princess, but life happened. So now I am just a Disney Princess behind closed doors!! A passion for music never really leaves you so it is no wonder I was drawn to so many musical vibe quirky gifts as I researched various themes. Mr Quirky is also musical and plays the guitar hence why I have found so many guitar gifts I suppose. Hope you enjoy my finds, I think they are quite special.

My first stunningly quirky find is this amazing metal trumpet lamp. My sister used to play the trumpet, she had to go to the bottom of the garden to practice! You certainly wouldn’t want this trumpet anywhere other than centre stage, this not only serves as a fantastic statement piece, it is very practical too. Great for the music room, or if you want to add a bit of quirky to your living room or bedroom. Such a gorgeous gift to give. I’d be very happy to receive it. I definitely need to explore quirky lamps for another post, this is just fabulous.

This next find is so unbelievably cool. It deserves to be worn to a special occasion, it’s made out of wood, how quirky is that?! I can imagine a Wedding band wearing them, or a musical groom. Or how about those singing waiters?!

I added this next find into the mix because it is so unusual. Who’d have thought of making a plectrum out of a penny?! It probably creates a more unique sound to your average plectrum too, but undoubtedly a very special keepsake.

Now these guitar spoons here are in your face quirky, no doubt about it. The shape, the detailing, the colours, they are so fabulous. I would 100% buy these as a quirky stocking filler for Mr Quirky, he would love them. Imagine being sat there writing a song, you fancy a cup of tea, but you don’t want to lose your musical vibe, make your cuppa with one of these spoons and you will still be in that zone for sure!

I did have a little waaaa moment when I found this awesome guitar-shaped lunchbox. It is absolutely fab, I love it, great for older teens who are into their music. Amazing quirky gift for music students or for a music teacher even. In a band? need some snacks to take to your gig…ta daaaaa, this would just blend in with the rest of your kit!

Now this guitar-shaped chopping board would totally rock our kitchen. I would love to own this, it is so funky. Such a fun and practical gift to give…and can be personalised so everyone who visits you will know how cool you are. Amazing gift for a wannabe rockstar, or a hasbeen, I’m not here to judge!

Another set that would look amazing in our kitchen. I don’t actually own measuring spoons, I’m more of a chuck it in and hope for the best kind of cook, but these are so quirky, they would make me want to use them! If you know a musical chef, this is one quirky gift they would cherish for sure.

This next quirky find is something you don’t see every day! It’s advertised as a junior rolling pin but I, as an adult, would definitely use it. The price is reasonable and would add so much fun into baking. It would be great for baking cookies for the school fayre or something, it would turn something generic into something fancy, and people lap that up don’t they! They could help you make stunning Wedding favour biccies. I love it.

This treble clef clock is the bees knees. Extremely sophisticated, it would match any kind of decor and I would say any room too. Fab for a music classroom or a music shop too, not just for the home. It would make a stunning Wedding gift for a special couple, I would have been very happy to receive this as a gift, and I would be so proud to give it too.

Speaking of weddings, would you say I do with this ring?! I love, love, love it. This is absolutely up my street and takes me back to my karaoke days! Such an unusual piece of jewellery. I did find matching necklaces and earrings too, but the way the microphones are looped to create the ring here makes it stand out.

As I explore themes, I get inspired to create future posts too. This funky, retro, amazingly quirky wine rack has definitely given me a taste for quirky wine racks, so watch this space! A unique wine rack like this one can make a very special gift for any occasion, but I can definitely see this being given as a quirky Wedding gift to a quirky, musical bride and groom. This is quite a genius design, such an amazing idea to create bottle holders out of old vinyl records, yay for upcycling with stunning results!

This next find is totally different, but I would be seriously tempted to give this puzzle as a gift to Mr Quirky, well I would have years ago before we had a child who likes to get involved in everything! There is a big price tag on this for a puzzle, but you can see it’s pure quality, and after spending your time building it, you do end up with a stunning piece of art, a wooden sculpture forever to be cherished.

This upcycled ukelele is quirky in a completely different way. It’s beauty is striking, it stood out and screamed at me to include it in this musical post. It is so unique, and has been decorated so beautifully with so much care. A true work or art. If I did play an instrument these days, it would have to be pretty like this one!

My last find is something I have never seen before. It’s adorably quirky and looks very well-made too. A very special keepsake gift. Definitely up there as the type of gift I would like to give someone who was into music, especially the guitar.

And there ends my quirky musical post. Although, I’m sure it’s not the complete end of my quirky musical research. So much more to find, new quirky gifts being made and sold on a daily basis, I’d be silly to close the door on it for good. I’m sure quirky music will feature in the quirky blog again over the years, it is a theme that is just too close to my heart to ignore.

I’m not pulling your chain, these are genuine quirky bathroom products!

One room that gets very little attention in our house is the bathroom. Well, our bathroom is a bit odd anyway because the toilet is in one room and the bath and sink are in the room next door, it took some getting used to! Apart from a few lanterns though, it is quite a neglected area of our home. I definitely feel like I need to add colour, character and a whole lot of quirky so let’s go shopping!

My sister inspired this search, when she found out that I was setting up Quirky Shopper she sent me a picture of her new tap toilet roll holder straight away. It definitely made me think about my own bathroom and how it is an area of the quirky World I needed to explore. And boy oh boy am I glad that I have. I have found so many amazing products, where do I start?! I showed Mr Quirky all my quirky bathroom finds and he thought this toilet roll sheep shelf was the best, so let’s start with this one! The good thing about this particular shelf is that you will always make sure you have toilet roll in the house! This would lend itself well as a feature in a quirky hotel or in a house with a rather large bathroom. I think it is fab, and a worthy start to this blog.

If you love a nautical theme bathroom, there are so many quirky products available. This boathouse toilet roll holder is fabulous. It would make such an attractive addition to a bathroom, especially if you haven’t got a holder and you usually plonk the toilet roll on a shelf or storage unit next to the toilet! I do love a practical quirky item!

Or how about a Knight in Shining Armour sat there next to you just waiting to be the hero and hand you your precious toilet roll? This is a very classy, quirky piece indeed, and I think it would look amazing in an old castle / hotel en-suite!

And how about something completely different? This toilet roll holder is so quirky, extremely retro and super nostalgic. This belongs in a cool bathroom, a geek chic kind of vibe maybe. This is exactly what I would expect to see in a quirky, funky little hotel, in the bathroom of a camera shop or in a photographer’s house!

Like I said, my sister has the tap toilet roll holder and it looks fab in her farmhouse bathroom. I do love the tap idea for a bathroom. I think this towel holder is gorgeous, taps and bathrooms go hand in hand so it really is a quirky partnership that works beautifully.

I love this fruity little piece of quirky, the vibrant colour, the funky cherry design, it is fabulous. The use of the stem as the brush handle is genius. Funnily enough, I actually don’t think it looks like it would be out of place. Can you imagine a bright white bathroom, this luscious red toilet brush would certainly make it pop!

A little plug for one of my own quirky gifts selection. This flamingo toilet brush here was a game changer for our little quirky shop. It used to be a baby and children gift shop, but when I saw these quirky toilet brushes, I branched out to grown-up gifts too. This flamingo has many fans, but it is fabulous.

This would be a funky gift for those who have toilet humour! I can’t decide if I like it or not, it could either look ridiculous or it could blend in perfectly with it being black or white. What do you think? Either way, it would make a very funny joke gift, is it too early to mention Secret Santa?!!

From something I’m not sure of to something I absolutely love! This swan tap is so quirky, so classy, a stunning work of art for a tap! If I ever get the chance to design my own bathroom, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose taps like this for my bathroom. It’s a swan, and swans ooze elegance. This gorgeous tap is definitely my kind of quirky.

Here’s another piece of art disguised as a door hook! The nautical / ocean theme once again making an appearance, a few more to come too, I can’t help it though, these products are just so quirky! This whale tail works so well for this purpose, I think it’s fab.

And how about this ship’s steering wheel for a mirror? Isn’t it gorgeous? Classy and fabulous, this would add so much character to a bathroom even if it wasn’t pursuing a nautical theme. A great find for a seaside b&b don’t you think?

It’s the colouring that mostly attracts me to this folding table. It’s fish shape is the main quirky quality of course, but it’s the colour that makes it stand out. It has seaside home / hotel written all over it. I don’t live by the sea (I’d like to!) but I wish I had a bathroom big enough to have this table, I love it.

If you’re really going for the nautical vibe in a big big way, this next set is for you! There is so much quirk going on here, I’m almost lost for words! So much imagination has gone into the designing of this amazing little set, I am in awe. The lighthouse as a soap dispenser is my favourite bit, it looks awesome!

The same company also sell this stunning shell bathroom set. This is truly up my street. I love the quirky shell shapes and the pearly colour. It is a very glamorous kind of quirky. I could definitely see them being used in high-end boutique type hotels near the sea.

On a completely different path (you couldn’t get more opposite!) these wellies toothbrush holders are also up my street. Vibrant, quirky and funky, they’d make a cool gift for a couple…not so good if there’s more than two people using the bathroom! Saying that, you could always buy a few in order to cater all the toothbrushes in the home, no rules against that! I love the bright yellow colour.

Staying with the outdoorsy vibe given by the wellies, this very pretty birds on a tree frosted glass film would be an unusual but beautiful way to ensure bathroom privacy, whether it be for the shower or window. It stood out to me, it might not be super quirky, but it is different, and not something you see in your average bathroom. If I had this kind of window screen on my shower, I would order this in a heartbeat.

This is definitely the type of window privacy screen I would class as quirky. The artwork is very much to my taste. This window film looks very impressive, and a relatively reasonably priced way to make a bathroom look more elegant and much more expensive. I highly recommend clicking through to this particular seller’s shop, it has over 300 different designs.

What I’m looking for though is a splash of colour, touches of vibrance that will transform our mundane, cold, bathroom into a warm, friendly and funky room that is pleasant to be in. This bath mat is exactly the type of thing I had in mind. I think it’s gorgeous, it matches my stripey blog cover photo too which is a bonus! I love that it has a coloured wood-effect. We have a very small bathroom so this would definitely work well. I’d be tempted to get one for the toilet room as well as the bath room, it would help blend them together.

I would say the bath mat above is very colourful, but the bathroom set below takes it up another notch for sure! The colours are insane, I love this design, looks like colourful bricks, so funky, so unusual. It might be a step too far for what I’m looking for, but if you had a pure white bathroom, this would make a stunning statement piece of your toilet!

If you’re looking for something really flashy, this peacock bathroom set is pretty out there! The colours are gorgeous, and it would certainly make a talking point of your bathroom. One of my sisters loves peacock designs so I’m always drawn to them simply because of her liking for them! My thing is butterflies, but I haven’t found any with a butterfly on…a more extensive research adventure for a quirky butterfly post for another day perhaps!

This shower curtain below, yes, you did read correctly, this is a shower curtain, and this is the kind of art I like to have on canvases. I love this type of romantic art, but to find it on a shower curtain stopped me in my tracks. Why am I buying plain white shower curtains when I could be buying art??! I must have been living under a rock, I never knew you could get shower curtains as stunning as this.

And this one looks like a very hard, very sturdy door…but it’s not, it’s a shower curtain. Isn’t it amazing? I wonder if they used these on the sets of Game of Thrones!! It does have a classy and somewhat medieval vibe about it. There was a lighter-coloured farmhouse type of door too, but this one attracted me more.

But this next shower curtain is my favourite. Mystical, fantasy, colourful and it looks like a book shelf. If you have read my previous posts, you will know that I have a very special and quirky handbag with a Book Shop on it. I love books. I would be Belle from Beauty and the Beast, give me the library and I will love you Beast! This is the most beautiful shower curtain I have ever seen in my entire life…I’ve never seen pretty shower curtains before researching this post so that figures!

This stunning shower curtain is 100% on my wishlist for when we eventually become millionaires and live in our forever home with, and I quote my 4-year old son, ‘lots of toilets, stairs that go around and around and a tree-house’… an achievable dream I reckon! I have only just scratched the surface of quirky bathrooms in all honesty, there is a magical world out there worth exploring. I would definitely like to re-visit shower curtains in particular for another post just about quirky shower curtains, there were too many to add here, so another post is in the pipe-line in the near future. I have learnt a lot from researching quirky bathrooms. I never knew half of these things existed so I hope it is useful to you too, but I’d like to know, what is the most quirky thing in your bathroom?