Spring feel-good vibes…in a quirky way!
With Spring around the corner here in Wales, I wanted to capture some of the feel good quirkiness that we have available to us, and create a big ray of sunshine that will leave you feeling good, feeling happy and feeling positive.
What makes us feel good? What makes us look forward to Spring?
From what I’ve gathered, nature is at the fore-front of what makes people tick about Spring, the fresh blooms breathing new life into the landscapes around us. For me at least, once Christmas and it’s magic is over, I look forward to Spring. I look forward to brighter mornings, brighter evenings, better weather, it’s freshness. I also enjoy the little warmth it brings, a nice change from the colder seasons!
A new season brings new hopes, new dreams, a chance to start-over and to see yourself in a brand new way, a positive way. But sometimes, we need a nudge in this direction, and we often need to be reminded to be kind to ourselves. This is such a beautiful feel-good kit. Not only does it have a wonderful sentiment, I have found that having something creative to do lifts my mood, and encourages a healthier mind-set. I know sewing isn’t for everyone, but this kit looks quite simple and you’ll get something very pretty and meaningful to keep at the end of it.

Sometimes it takes a work of art to rekindle an emotion and to give you that feel-good factor. I think this colourful artwork would at the very least brighten up an otherwise dull spot, but it would also give you the strength to believe in yourself and to appreciate that you do have a choice and that everything you choose to do should ultimately lead to happiness. Butterflies are a favourite of mine too and they along with the birds, just give this artwork that Spring feel, when nature starts spreading it’s joy.

It wouldn’t be a feel-good post without a bit of alcohol would it?! This Gin glass oozes Spring feels. Coupled with a bottle of Gin, it would make the perfect Spring Feel Good gift! It stands out from the crowd, it’s a happy glass and it’s only fitting that it is enjoyed by a happy person!

I am definitely feeling the good vibes from this weekly planner stickers kit. It’s pretty, it’s freshly floral, it gives you the impression that Spring is definitely in the air. You’ll feel good when you’re planning the week, ad you’ll be reminded of those good vibes throughout the week with this cheerful stickers.

This is probably up there as one of my favourite finds for this post. I would wear it myself. It’s cute, it’s cheerful, and it’s not too chunky! I can imagine it making other people smile when they saw it. It would create an aura of happiness around you, and people like happy people don’t they?!

As well as being happy, I’m a massive fan of being kind! Kindness costs nothing, and you can be kind at any time of the year, but I found this temporary tattoo and thought it worth including in this post. It’s not a particularly quirky tattoo, but they are beautiful words, and beautiful words make you feel good! I’ve been trying to interpret this saying, and this is what I’ve come up with. A Spring day gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, a feeling of hope that just makes you feel good, and when someone says something kind to you, well, you get the same joyful smile on your face. If you can improve on this interpretation, I’d be more than happy to include it! I asked the question on my own Facebook profile and I’ve given a few interpretations, it is thought that it means a refreshing uplift of light, leaving behind the darkness (winter/negativity). I have also been given the notion that it is a promise of better things to come. Whatever it means, I think it’s a wonderful saying and I’m glad I have come across it.

I couldn’t resist adding this cute work of art in. You don’t usually associate hedgehogs with Spring, they are a creature we usually see in Autumnal designs, but this is so ‘Spring’ in it’s colours and blooms. The smile on the hedgehog’s face makes you smile too. You get the sense of joy it feels making friends with a butterfly. I love the use of flowers instead of spikes, it’s such a gentle, calm, soothing vision. It would look cute in a Nursery or child’s bedroom don’t you think?

Now this is something I would have up in my bedroom. I adore it. I love butterflies, they’re so pretty, and the colouring is very ‘Spring’! The best thing about this products is that there are no rules in regards to how you place them, they are transfers so they can be stuck in any order, dotted around the room if that’s what you prefer. I like the way they have showcased them around this mirror though, the wording just fits nicely with where you would look at yourself. We all like to be told we’re beautiful, well, Mirror Mirror on the wall and all that, this transfer will help you see your own beauty staring back at you.

Isn’t it wonderful that you can literally give someone the gift of being happy? Whether you’re into gardening or not, this little grow your own sunflowers kit is such a beautiful sentiment, I dare anyone not to smile and be happy when they receive it. Sunflowers are always associated with joy and sunshine, so it makes sense that they would be the flower of choice to include in a feel-good set such as this one!

Cherry trees are one of my favourite trees, I love how they bloom, it’s a short-lived beauty, but definitely one of the most beautiful wonders of nature in Spring. This is a crystal tree that has rose quartz and cherry quartz crystals on it. I’ve looked into the benefits of these stones and rose quartz are thought to promote self love, heal the heart and raise self-confidence. Cherry quartz is thought to purify energy, it can absorb negative energy which makes it the perfect stone to help purify things. After looking into the benefits, I’m quite tempted to get this tree myself!

This little thing here is such a ray of sunshine. It blooms with happiness. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what a needleminder was until I looked into it, it’s just a happy little place to keep a sewing needle safe. The colours are vibrant and I bet you would feel good every time you start a sewing project because as you go to get your needle to get started, you’ll be greeted with this fantastic smile!

I love this selection of cards, I know this particular seller sells similar styled greeting cards too, but these are affirmation cards, designed to enhance positivity and create a healthy mindset. They’re a nice size, so can be used as a happy little book-mark or even pin it up next to your work-space or somewhere where you can look at it and be given a little nudge in the right direction. The designs are quirky in their own right, but the flowers and outdoorsy look give them a Spring-time vibe.

For some reason, flowers give us joy. When you’re ill, feeling low, bereaved…flowers are the go-to gift, maybe more for women than men, but these would make a wonderful keepsake alternative to a real bunch of flowers. You can add a note to anyone, it’s not necessarily just for Mummies! I love that you can add your own cute little messages on the stems that would make them unique.

Here’s another alternative to a real bunch of blooms, with an added little bunny character too. Other colours available, but this one gives me the most Spring vibes. I love that these are flowers you can keep for years to come. They won’t wilt, they won’t be thrown out in a week or so, they are a gesture that will keep on giving for a long time.

I shared something similar to this on my Facebook page the other day, but I saw this and thought it was perfect for this particular post. This is the garden play kit. These kits are designed to stimulate imaginative play, which of course will make the little ones feel good! The butterflies, bees, ladybirds and flowers give it a Spring vibe. It’s a quirky gift idea, I haven’t seen anything like this before.

These boots are so different. I can’t say they’d be something I would personally wear, but they look fab, they really do have the feel-good factor. They’re colourful, bright and sunny, basically a floral meadow on your feet! Whatever you think of them, they are show-stoppers, and I can imagine them being perfect for Spring festivals!

Be your own kind of beautiful. I’ve seen this phrase used quite a bit whilst looking for these feel-good items. It all starts in the mind, as soon as you start appreciating the good in yourself, it will soon spread, and before you know it, you’ll be able to look at yourself in a whole new and positive way. At least I think that’s what this represents. The Spring bloom growing from the mind. Please do feel free to add your own interpretation!

I love this wreath, perfect if you want to add that Spring feel-good vibe to your home before friends and family enter it! Bee Happy is very much on trend at the moment, and I am grateful for it, it has created an abundance of bee-related quirky products, which I might indulge in a post of it’s own someday soon.

This is what is is! A quirky little ornament that will enhance the happy vibes in your happy place! The floral elements and the funky little tree gives it a Spring freshness. It’s quite shabby chic, but also fits in with this whole new trend of having natural materials, in particular wood, decorating your house.

I’m not huge in crystals, I think they’re beautiful, and I do get drawn to some more than others, but I don’t know much about them and how they work. This crystal set has been created especially for Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Each stone has properties to support at this time of the year. I’d say anything that helps to support you and helps to make you feel good is worth exploring don’t you?!

These are gorgeous-looking bath fizzer macarons. They look good enough to eat don’t they? They look like a Spring set to me, the colours give me an Easter vibe, all colourful and bright. These are vegan, made with sea salts and essential oils. The flavours sound amazing, passion fruit, peach, green apple, lemon, red grape and freesia; I bet they have a stunning aroma, What’s more feel good than a long soak in a hot bath with some funky bath bombs fizzing away and you making you feel a million dollars afterwards?!

This table decoration oozes Spring, I love the little lights adding more ambiance to the piece. It’s a work of art in all honesty. It’s almost like a sculpture that breathes life. It would indeed sit perfectly on a table, but you could place it on any flat surface as a decoration, doesn’t necessarily have to be a centerpiece. It could even be cute on a windowsill, a celebration of the Easter festivities that lie ahead! I like the magic is possesses, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a few fairies flying around it. It has a glow, a romance, and it makes me feel good!

This keyring says is all. I think it’s a fitting end to this post. I have tried to find you Spring feel-good vibes…in a quirky, unusual way, and I hope I have succeeded. I hope that some of the products, at least, have made you smile. But most of all I hope it reassures you that there is kindness out there, people are creating and selling such wonderful things that are aimed purely at giving you joy. There is happiness out there for everyone, yes, sometimes you have to dig a little deeper, look a little longer, but it is there. Look at the support network you have around you, you are safe, you are loved and it will be okay!