Music to my quirky ears just in time for Eurovision!
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With the spectacular event of the Eurovision Song Contest happening this weekend, I thought that a music was an appropriate theme to explore. Music is one of my main passions in life. My childhood saw many instruments come and go. I was so taken by the harp in an Eisteddfod (Welsh Creative Arts Festival) that I begged my parents for one…I was given a recorder! I had violin lessons for years but I doubt I was any good. As an adult, I dabble in playing the keyboard but my voice is my instrument.
I love singing. I love song-writing. I once dreamt of being the voice of a Disney Princess one day, or to work in Disneyland as a singing Princess, but life happened. So now I am just a Disney Princess behind closed doors!! A passion for music never really leaves you so it is no wonder I was drawn to so many musical vibe quirky gifts as I researched various themes. Mr Quirky is also musical and plays the guitar hence why I have found so many guitar gifts I suppose. Hope you enjoy my finds, I think they are quite special.
My first stunningly quirky find is this amazing metal trumpet lamp. My sister used to play the trumpet, she had to go to the bottom of the garden to practice! You certainly wouldn’t want this trumpet anywhere other than centre stage, this not only serves as a fantastic statement piece, it is very practical too. Great for the music room, or if you want to add a bit of quirky to your living room or bedroom. Such a gorgeous gift to give. I’d be very happy to receive it. I definitely need to explore quirky lamps for another post, this is just fabulous.

This next find is so unbelievably cool. It deserves to be worn to a special occasion, it’s made out of wood, how quirky is that?! I can imagine a Wedding band wearing them, or a musical groom. Or how about those singing waiters?!

I added this next find into the mix because it is so unusual. Who’d have thought of making a plectrum out of a penny?! It probably creates a more unique sound to your average plectrum too, but undoubtedly a very special keepsake.

Now these guitar spoons here are in your face quirky, no doubt about it. The shape, the detailing, the colours, they are so fabulous. I would 100% buy these as a quirky stocking filler for Mr Quirky, he would love them. Imagine being sat there writing a song, you fancy a cup of tea, but you don’t want to lose your musical vibe, make your cuppa with one of these spoons and you will still be in that zone for sure!

I did have a little waaaa moment when I found this awesome guitar-shaped lunchbox. It is absolutely fab, I love it, great for older teens who are into their music. Amazing quirky gift for music students or for a music teacher even. In a band? need some snacks to take to your gig…ta daaaaa, this would just blend in with the rest of your kit!

Now this guitar-shaped chopping board would totally rock our kitchen. I would love to own this, it is so funky. Such a fun and practical gift to give…and can be personalised so everyone who visits you will know how cool you are. Amazing gift for a wannabe rockstar, or a hasbeen, I’m not here to judge!

Another set that would look amazing in our kitchen. I don’t actually own measuring spoons, I’m more of a chuck it in and hope for the best kind of cook, but these are so quirky, they would make me want to use them! If you know a musical chef, this is one quirky gift they would cherish for sure.

This next quirky find is something you don’t see every day! It’s advertised as a junior rolling pin but I, as an adult, would definitely use it. The price is reasonable and would add so much fun into baking. It would be great for baking cookies for the school fayre or something, it would turn something generic into something fancy, and people lap that up don’t they! They could help you make stunning Wedding favour biccies. I love it.

This treble clef clock is the bees knees. Extremely sophisticated, it would match any kind of decor and I would say any room too. Fab for a music classroom or a music shop too, not just for the home. It would make a stunning Wedding gift for a special couple, I would have been very happy to receive this as a gift, and I would be so proud to give it too.

Speaking of weddings, would you say I do with this ring?! I love, love, love it. This is absolutely up my street and takes me back to my karaoke days! Such an unusual piece of jewellery. I did find matching necklaces and earrings too, but the way the microphones are looped to create the ring here makes it stand out.

As I explore themes, I get inspired to create future posts too. This funky, retro, amazingly quirky wine rack has definitely given me a taste for quirky wine racks, so watch this space! A unique wine rack like this one can make a very special gift for any occasion, but I can definitely see this being given as a quirky Wedding gift to a quirky, musical bride and groom. This is quite a genius design, such an amazing idea to create bottle holders out of old vinyl records, yay for upcycling with stunning results!

This next find is totally different, but I would be seriously tempted to give this puzzle as a gift to Mr Quirky, well I would have years ago before we had a child who likes to get involved in everything! There is a big price tag on this for a puzzle, but you can see it’s pure quality, and after spending your time building it, you do end up with a stunning piece of art, a wooden sculpture forever to be cherished.

This upcycled ukelele is quirky in a completely different way. It’s beauty is striking, it stood out and screamed at me to include it in this musical post. It is so unique, and has been decorated so beautifully with so much care. A true work or art. If I did play an instrument these days, it would have to be pretty like this one!

My last find is something I have never seen before. It’s adorably quirky and looks very well-made too. A very special keepsake gift. Definitely up there as the type of gift I would like to give someone who was into music, especially the guitar.

And there ends my quirky musical post. Although, I’m sure it’s not the complete end of my quirky musical research. So much more to find, new quirky gifts being made and sold on a daily basis, I’d be silly to close the door on it for good. I’m sure quirky music will feature in the quirky blog again over the years, it is a theme that is just too close to my heart to ignore.