Only quirky plants make it in this house!
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I have a serious problem with keeping plants alive, they just don’t survive a year in this house. But recently, we have adopted a rather fascinating cactus and I am trying to best to keep this one alive!! Our son has called it ‘Spikey’ which I think is an awesome name for a cactus! Spikey is going to have a better chance at life than any of the other cacti that have been and died before it because, I hate to say it, please don’t judge me for my shallowness in regards to cacti, but it has pretty flowers! This shade of pink is one of my favourite colours.

Spikey is a rhipsalidopsis cactus and was purchased at Wilkos for a reasonable price of £2.50, this was the only one with this particular colour blooms at the time. There was another one with red flowers which would have gone better with the pot it’s sitting in but who cares, it’s not here to win any prizes!
The pot deserves it’s own post, it is so cool. It has three legs which makes it unusual anyway, but the cute kitty cat face and colouring sets it apart from other pots I’ve had in the past. This was bought in TK Maxx which is one of my favourite high street shops to rummage through for quirky treasures. You can always find some unusual pieces in there which makes it a good place to go hunting for quirky bits and bobs. My Mother in particular is obsessed with this shop, she buys so many things from there throughout the year, she doesn’t even know who she’s going to give things to when she buys them, she just likes them and buys them just incase. I guess quirky shopping is in the genes!