Quirky wellbeing diaries, keeping us in check one day at a time!
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January brings with it a fresh start, a new chance to be better, be happier etc, but it also brings with it an overwhelming sense of anti-climax from Christmas, a need to be better but not knowing how to go about it, and we sometimes need a little guidance. I shared this quirky wellbeing diary last week and I was asked if there were any on Amazon, so I’ve had a little look. Although I wasn’t able to find this particular journal on Amazon, I did find a fair few other. Hope this post helps.

The following are the ones I have found on Amazon, they all have their unique good points, so worth looking at the specifications of each one before making a decision, hopefully you’ll find the perfect fit for your wellbeing needs.

I found a few more on Etsy worth showing you too, they are too lovely not to share!

Hope you find the perfect journal for you. Whilst looking for these, I have come across quite a few children wellbeing journals and coping strategies so I think I’ll create another quick blog post soon focusing on the quirky wellbeing products aimed at children. Watch this space!